Safe Positions To Sleep In After Toronto Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty Surgery Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures

Safe Positions To Sleep In After Toronto Nose Surgery

To ensure a speedy recovery and the best results possible, many patients inquire about safe sleeping positions when recovering from nose surgery in Toronto. While a variety of sleeping positions, including sleeping on your back or side are safe, sleeping in a recliner with your head elevated is ideal for the first week following your procedure because it reduces post-operative swelling and minimizes the risk of inadvertently damaging the nose.

Of course, many people feel a bit tired for a few days after surgery and while taking pain medication so you will want to make adaptations as necessary to keep relaxed and comfortable, provided that you do not press on your healing nose.

First Week Post-Operatively

For the first several days after your procedure, most surgeons recommend sleeping with your head elevated above your heart and in a midline position to promote good blood circulation but avoid excess swelling in the nose. In addition to reducing the likelihood of swelling and bruising, this sleeping position will help ensure your comfort during your recovery as it also minimizes nasal congestion.

Sleeping sitting up 30-45 degrees in a recliner chair is ideal if possible, however, you can also use two to three pillows to keep your head and shoulders elevated, thereby enabling gravity to do its part in mitigating swelling and bruising. Sleeping in this position also reduces the likelihood that you will inadvertently apply pressure to the nose when sleeping on your side. A U-shaped travel pillow or rolled up towel can also be used to support your neck and prevent your head from moving while you sleep.

Sleeping On Your Back Or Side

Sleeping on your side should be avoided for at least the first week after your Toronto nose surgery, because applying unintentional pressure to the nose can displace nasal bones, negatively impacting the results. The likelihood of this happening is rare, but you’ll want to take every precaution possible to protect your new investment.

Luckily, one week post-operatively, it is safe to resume sleeping on your back or side, provided that you are careful to avoid putting pressure on your nose. While it is safe to lie flat on your back or carefully on your side, it is important to understand that doing so may prolong swelling and bruising. In some cases, sleeping on one side may also result in temporary asymmetry in swelling. Although this will not negatively impact the final results of your procedure, the asymmetry may be concerning to you.

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Although it is important to do your best to avoid putting pressure on your nose as you sleep, it is also crucial to ensure that you are able to get a good night’s sleep as you recover. Thus, while it is ideal to sleep with your head elevated, your comfort should not be compromised too much. Provided that you avoid moving excessively, sleeping flat on your back or side should not adversely impact the long-term results of your Toronto nose surgery.

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