Blepharoplasty - Before & After

Blepharoplasty - BEFORE / AFTER


Before and After Lower Blepharoplasty Surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Our patient is a 52 year old female who felt her eyes were aging her and making her appear tired. We recommended a combination of Lower Blepharoplasty and Fat Transfer to the lower eyelids to help blend the tear trough and upper cheek junction. This combination is an ideal procedure to address fat pads and hollows of the lower eyelids. Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 8 weeks apart.


Before and After Blepharoplasty Surgery with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Our patient is a 73 year old male patient who underwent Lower Blepharoplasty surgery to address his aging eyelids. His main concern were the lower eyelids where excess fat pads had developed creating a tired and aged appearance. Dr. Solomon performed lower blepharoplasty using the transconjuctival approach, avoiding any need for external incisions. C02 Laser Resurfacing was then carried out to tighten the skin of the lower eyelids to further enhance his results. Before and after blepharoplasty pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 6 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Before and After Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon. This patient in her early 50’s was looking tired and older than her years due to excess fat in the tear troughs and drooping skin in the upper lid region. Dr. Solomon performed both Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty to address both concerns. Excess skin was removed along the crease line of the upper lids. The trans-conjuctival approach was used in Lower Blepharoplasty to reposition excess fat to blend the lower lids. Excess fat was discarded. Before and After Blepharoplasty pictures are 6 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Before and after Upper Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon. This patient is 31 years old and wanted an Asian Upper Blepharoplasty to increase eyelid show of the upper eyelids. We enhanced her upper appearance by creating a super tarsal fold on the upper eyelids. Upper Blepharoplasty is performed under local anaesthesia at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre. Our patient was very pleased with very natural result, retaining her ethnicity while augmenting the upper eyelids. Before and After Blepharoplasty pictures are 7 weeks apart.
Lower Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Lower Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Before and After Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon. This 62 year old male visited with Dr. Solomon to discuss both his upper and lower eyelids. He was bothered by the excess hooding of the upper eyelids and the excessive bags of the lower eyelids. We then proceeded to discuss his lower face and neck as the natural aging process had caused this region of the face to present with skin laxity. He underwent Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with CO2 Laser Resurfacing of the lower eyelids as well as a deep plane facelift. His results are quite dramatic as the excess fat helped blend the upper cheek with the lower eyelids for a more refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. His upper eyelids appear less heavy and tired. Before and after blepharoplasty pictures are 5 weeks apart.
Lower Blepharoplasty With CO2 Laser Before and After Photos
Lower Blepharoplasty With CO2 Laser Before and After Photos

Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty combined with CO2 Laser Resurfacing, with Dr. Philip Solomon. Our 46 year old female patient presented with dense eyebags causing her to appear very tired and older than her years. We recommended combining lower blepharoplasty with laser resurfacing to address both the eyebags and skin tightening. Fat reposition was carried out to relocate excess fat to areas of hollow, to better blend the lower eyelids with the upper cheek. Fine lines and skin tightening were addressed with laser resurfacing to brighten and tighten the skin around the eyes, further enhancing her results. Before and after blepharoplasty pictures are 6 months apart.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon. This lovely patient, 57 years of age, was quite bothered by the heaviness of her lower eyelids. Dr. Solomon performed a transconjunctival fat transposition to fill her tear trough and remove her lower eyelid bags. This technique does not require any external incisions. We often combine Lower Blepharoplasty with CO2 Laser Resurfacing to further enhance the results. Laser resurfacing improves the texture and tone of the skins’ surface, eliminates the appearance of fine lines and tightens the treated skin. Before and after Blepharoplasty pictures are 4 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Before and after Upper Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This gentleman in his mid 40’s was experiencing severe hooding of the upper eyelids. Dr. Solomon recommended an Upper Blepharoplasty to excise excess skin that was impairing his vision. Upper Blepharoplasty is performed under local anesthesia at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre in Toronto. Incisions are in place on the upper eyelids for 10 days at which time they are removed by Dr. Solomon’s team of nurses. Before and after Blepharoplasty pictures are only 10 days following his surgery.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This lovely 49 year old female was quite bothered by her prominent eyebags. Dr. Solomon recommended a combination treatment of Lower Blepharoplasty using the transconjunctival technique, combined with CO2 Laser Resurfacing which can help tighten the surrounding skin while minimizing the appearance of fine lines and textured skin. Lower Blepharoplasty requires a recovery period of 7-14 days and is typically performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Solomon has been performing this technique for over 20 years in his Toronto practice. Before and after Blepharoplasty pictures are 8 days apart.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Before and After Upper Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Dr. Philip Solomon performed an Upper Blepharoplasty on this 31 year old female to address early hooding of the upper eyelids. Excess skin was excised with incision along the crease of the upper eyelid which is well concealed onced healed. Upper Blepharoplasty is performed under local anesthesia at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre in Toronto. Before and after Upper Blepharoplasty pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 3 months apart.
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon. This 48 year old female patient was quite bothered by the appearance of her lower eyelids as she was consistently experiencing eyebags and dark circles. Dr. Solomon performed Lower Blepharoplasty using the transconjuctival approach, where all incisions are made inside the lower eyelid. Fat repositioning was also carried out, relocating excess fat to areas of the lower eyelids that were more hollow. Lower Blepharoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and can be combined with CO2 Laser Resurfacing to address any fine lines or crepe skin surround the lower eyelids. Before and after Blepharoplasty pictures are 9 months post-op.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Before and After Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Dr. Philip Solomon performed a Lower Blepharoplasty on this 65 year old female to address lower eyebags. We performed the transconjunctival technique which allows us to reposition excess fat as well as remove excess fat from inside the eyelid. No external sutures were required. We then performed co2 laser resurfacing on the lower eyelids to tighten the surrounding skin and minimize the appearance of fine lines. Before and after Blepharoplasty pictures are 6 weeks apart.
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Before and After Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This 46 year old female patient was tired of looking tired. Dr. Philip Solomon performed Lower Blepharoplasty as well as CO2 Laser Resurfacing which combined, achieved significant results. All incisions were made internally, therefore no external scarring should occur. Fat transpositioning was carried out, relocating excess fat to more hollow areas of the lower lids to better blend the tear trough with the upper cheek. This procedure included CO2 Laser Resurfacing which tightened the skin, and retexturized the skin, giving it a more youthful appearance. Before and after Blepharoplasty pictures 3 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This male patient in his 60’s underwent an Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty combined with CO2 Laser Resurfacing on the Lower Eyelids. 6 weeks post procedure.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Before and After Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Dr. Philip Solomon performed both Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty on this 53 year old female to remove the appearance of lower eyebags as well upper eyelid hooding caused by excess skin and the natural aging process. We performed the transconjunctival technique on the lower lids, which allows us to reposition excess fat as well as remove excess fat from inside the eyelid. No external sutures are required. Before and after Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 6 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Lower Blepharoplasty using the transconjunctival approach was carried out to reduce the appearance of eyebags in the lower tear troughs. We relocated the excess fat to areas where there was a deficit of fat to better blend the lower eyelid with the upper cheek on our 72 year old patient. No external incisions were required and CO2 Laser Resurfacing was also utilized to address fine lines and tighten the skin in the surrounding skin of the lower eyelids. Before and after lower blepharoplasty pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 6 weeks apart.

Buccal Fat Extraction Before and After Photos
Buccal Fat Extraction Before and After Photos

Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. This 43 year old patient had previously used dermal filler to help camouflage the eye bags. She recently decided to undergo Lower Blepharoplasty combined with CO2 Laser Resurfacing of the lower eyelids, as well as facial fat grafting to further augment the tear troughs to blend naturally with the upper cheeks. Lower Blepharoplasty was carried out 10 weeks ago. Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 10 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

This 64-year-old female wanted a more youthful and refreshed look and came to Dr. Solomon to discuss Blepharoplasty surgery. In consultation, we discussed a few options, including upper and lower blepharoplasty and laser resurfacing. She felt the bags under her eyes made her look tired and aged. Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty were performed by Dr. Philip Solomon under general anesthesia. Sutures are placed along the crease of the upper eyelids and remain in place for ten days. All sutures for the lower blepharoplasty are located on the inside of the lower lid and are typically permanent. Before and after blepharoplasty pictures are 4 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This woman in her 60’s underwent upper eyelid surgery to address the excess skin and hooding. The blepharoplasty surgery took place at the Solomon Nasal and Facial Plastic Surgery Centre in Thornhill.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

45 year old male patient underwent 5 surgeries to improve his facial harmony. Rhinoplasty was performed to lift the nasal tip and moderately modify the shape of his nasal bridge. Lower Blepharoplasty was carried out to remove excess fat from beneath his lower eyelids. A chin implant was inserted submentally to increase chin projection and provide better balance to his face. Facetite combined with Neck Liposuction was performed to remove excess fat from beneath his chin and and tighten the skin of the lower face, jowls and neck, improving facial contour and jawline. 4 weeks post-op.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This women had hooding of her upper eyelids and lower lid early signs of excess skin laxity and wrinkles. Upper blepharoplasty combined with laser resurfacing was carried out. The results are natural and signficant.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

60 year old female underwent an Upper Blepharoplasty to address severe hooding of the upper eyelids. The hooding was impacting her vision and the ability to apply makeup. 4 Weeks post-op.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Upper Blepharoplasty on year old female who felt her upper eyelids had become heavy and increasingly harder to apply makeup to. Dr. Solomon removed excess skin that was causing hooding. 5 weeks post op.
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Female patient in her mid-50’s underwent a combined Blepharoplasty with Facetite to achieve optimal facial rejuvenation results. Excess skin and fat were removed from the upper lids as both were contributing the hooding effect this patient was experiencing.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr Philip Solomon of Toronto. Dr. Philip Solomon carried out a Lower Blepharoplasty, combined with CO2 Laser Resurfacing for additional skin tightening of the lower eyelids. Lower Blepharoplasty using the transconjuctival technique, allows for all incisions to remain internal. Recovery from this procedure varies from 7-10 days.

Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 6 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Before and After Lower Blepharoplasty with Dr. Philip Solomon of Toronto. Dr. Philip Solomon performed a Lower Blepharoplasty on our 44 year old female to address lower eyebags. She was tired of looking tired. She underwent a transconjunctival Lower Blepharoplasty, repositioning excess fat into the hollow regions. No external incisions were required. We then performed co2 laser resurfacing on the lower eyelids to tighten the skin and minimizing the appearance of fine lines. Before and after Lower Blepharoplasty pictures with Dr. Philip Solomon are 6 weeks apart.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Female patient underwent Upper Eyelid surgery to address excess skin that was causing hooding over her eyes. CO2 Laser Resurfacing was also performed beneath her lower eyelids to address the discoloration, while tightening the skin and improving overall skin tone and texture. 1 month post-op.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This male patient in his 60’s underwent an Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty combined with CO2 Laser Resurfacing on the Lower Eyelids. 6 weeks post procedure.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Female patient in her mid-50’s underwent a combined Blepharoplasty with Facetite to achieve optimal facial rejuvenation results. Excess skin and fat were removed from the upper lids as both were contributing the hooding effect this patient was experiencing.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This patient underwent Eyelid surgery to give their eyes a more refreshed and youthful appearance. Eyelid surgery corrects issues such as hooding of the upper eyelids, as well as eye bags under the eyes, a result of enlarged fat pads.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This woman had both an upper and lower blepharoplasty as well as fat grafting below her lower lid to help fill in the tear trough hollow and to blend the trough with the cheek.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Bilateral upper blepharoplasty and lower blepharoplasty surgery. This women had excess skin overhanging her upper lids as well as exess skin and bags affecting her lower lids. Upper and lower blepharoplasty were performed to create a more youthful appearance to her orbital structures.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This woman in her 40’s underwent an upper eyelid surgery to address the hooding and excess skin that had developed. Dr. Philip Solomon performed her Blepharoplasty surgery at The Solomon Nasal and Facial Surgical Centre.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Bilateral Upper Blepharoplasty. Hooding was corrected by upper blepharoplasty. This procedure dramatically enhances ones appearance. Tired eyes are made to appear more open.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Bilateral Lower Blepharoplasty. Transconjunctival or internal removal of this womens lower lid fat pads was carried out. The results are significant yet care was taken to avoid over skeletonizing of her lower eyelids. If too much fat is removed it can have an aging affect on the eyes.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This woman has had great results from a Bilateral Upper eyelid Blepharoplasty. This photo was taken 1 month post-op. She has seen significant improvement for eyelid hooding.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This women had signficant hooding of her upper eyelids. Upper blepharoplasty was performed with local anesthesia. The sutures are removed in a week. The scar is not noticeable with time. the results create brighter and open upper lids.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This young women underwent lower blepharoplasty surgery. Her incisions were from the insde of her lids. This is known as transconjunctival blepharoplasty surgery. There is no external incision or scarring. Its ideal for younger patients with eyelid bags.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Severe hooding corrected with upper blephoplasty.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This attractive women underwent blepharoplasty surgery by Dr Solomon Toronto Canada. Her results of blepharoplasty surgery are demonstrated in the before and after images.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This women was concerned about her eyelid appearance. She had trouble putting on makeup due to significant fullness in her upper eyelids.Upper blepharoplasty was carried out. Results show dramatic improvement in her eyelids.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This patient had Blepharoplasty surgery, also known as Eyelid surgery to correct issues such as hooding and, or eye bags. Blepharoplasty involves the removal of excess tissue, fat deposits or muscle from the eyelids to improve the appearance of the eyes.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Upper blepharoplasty to reduce hooding of upper eyelids. Recovery period is one week.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This patient underwent Eyelid surgery to give their eyes a more refreshed and youthful appearance. Eyelid surgery corrects issues such as hooding of the upper eyelids, as well as eye bags under the eyes, a result of enlarged fat pads.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This patient had Blepharoplasty surgery, also known as Eyelid surgery to correct issues such as hooding and, or eye bags. Blepharoplasty involves the removal of excess tissue, fat deposits or muscle from the eyelids to improve the appearance of the eyes.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This patient presented with heavy upper eyelids as well as bags in his lower eyelids. Upper and lower blepharoplasty surgery was performed by Dr Solomon Facial Cosmetic Surgeon in Toronto Canada. Results show a more rested appearing gentleman with more youthful eyes. He wished to preserve the natural genetic fullness in his upper eyelids with the goal of restoring his eyes to how they looked a decade earlier. He was very happy with the results.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Asian Blepharoplasty surgery often is performed to create a fold in the upper eyelid. This case demonstrates an Asian blepharoplasty procedure performed by Dr Solomon in Toronto Canada. One can see that a fold was created in this patients upper eyelid.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This women wished to reduce bags under her eyes.. She underwent lower blepharoplasty surgery by (Dr Solomon Facial Cosmetic Surgeon) to enhance her appearance. She achieved a significant improvement to her lower eyelids as evident in her photos.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This women presented for upper blepharoplasty surgery. She had significant hooding of her upper eyelids. Upper blepharoplasty surgery performed with local anesthesia by (Dr Solomon Facial Cosmetic Surgeon) Toronto Canada substantially reduced the hooding of her upper eyelids and rejuvinated her eyes.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This elderly women had significant upper eyelid hooding. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty was performed by Dr Solomon Facial Cosmetic Surgeon -Head and Neck Surgeon substantially enhanced her appearance.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

In certain situations patients do not wish to have surgical blepharoplasty. Laser technology does allow improvement of eyelid wrinkles and fine lines without formal blepharoplasty. These images demonstrate a result eyelid laser resurfacing wtih the ultrapulse co2 laser without formal blepharoplasty surgery. The skin was tightened and improved without surgical blepharoplasty. Images are provided by Luminous Laser corp.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Lower Blepharoplasty surgery performed by Dr Solomon to correct significant lower eyelid bags. Note the significant improvement of this patients lower eyelids following blepharoplasty surgery.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

This patient underwent Eyelid surgery to give their eyes a more refreshed and youthful appearance. Eyelid surgery corrects issues such as hooding of the upper eyelids, as well as eye bags under the eyes, a result of enlarged fat pads.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Blepharoplasty images demonstrate results of eyelid cosmetic surgery. This women had concerns regarding the hooding of her eyes and fullness and puffiness of her eyelids. She also had mild ptosis of her right eyelid. Blepharoplasty surgery was performed. The images demonstrate a typical result of blepharoplasty surgery.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Male patient underwent Lower Blepharoplasty surgery to remove excess fat pads from beneath his lower eyelids. In some cases the fat is redistributed to help blend the lower lid with the upper cheek. 1 year post-op.

Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before After Photos

Female patient in her 50’s underwent Upper Blepharoplasty to remove excess skin that was causing hooding of the upper eyelids. 6 weeks post-op.


Blepharoplasty Before After Photos
Blepharoplasty Before & After Photos

47 year old female patient underwent an Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty by Dr. Philip Solomon to remove excess fat pads from beneath her lower lids and to remove excess skin from her upper eyelids. 6 weeks post-op



In order to best assist you, we require all cosmetic patients to schedule a virtual or in-person consultation. There is a fee of $250 with imaging plus HST for all consultations. Your consultation fee will be credited towards your procedure and/or treatment. To schedule a consultation, please complete the attached form or call our office at 905-764-7799. We look forward to hearing from you.

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