The most popular facial implants are cheek augmentation – a surgical process which alters the shape of the cheeks by increasing their volume and projection – and chin implants – this go along the jaw line in order to enhance, improve, or alter the shape of the chin.

Chin implants are fully customizable to meet the unique desires and goals of each  patient. Make of solid silicone or porous biocompatible material, they are most beneficial for those who have lost volume in the cheeks. Therefore, they can treat the effects of aging, weight loss, or illness. However, simple people simply desire more projection or definition. By varying size, shape, and placement of the implant, surgeons are also able to improve facial symmetry. For instance, increasing the volume of the mid-face can give life to the mid and lower-face.

Best Candidates

The best candidates for any form of augmentation or cosmetic surgery are those with realistic expectations and a positive outlook. Beyond that, there are several health considerations including:

  • Being in good health;
  • Having a normally functioning immune system
  • Being a non-smoker.

There are also some medications that you should not take during the pre-operative period. It is vital to avoid complications during and following the procedure. During your consultation your doctor may ask several questions to confirm your general health. Some lab tests will be neccesary. They will also tell you to stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements for a specific amount of time before the procedure. If you are a smoker, the doctor will tell you to stop smoking well before the surgery.

Recovery and Downtime

Most patients can return to non-strenuous work as early as 24 hours after surgery. However,  you should avoid working while on pain medication. Strenuous work and exercise should not be resumed for at least 2-3 weeks following the procedure. Also, you must protect your cheeks or chin from excessive force or motion during the healing process. Do not engage in contact sports until you receive approval from your surgeon to do so.
During the healing process, you many experience some tightness in the cheek area and some facial expressions may be temporarily restricted or impaired. If you experience severe pain, contact your doctor immediately. Swelling should subside within 4-6 weeks, but final results may not be fully visible for 6 months after the procedure. If your chin or facial implants appear to shift position, contact your surgeon immediately.