• Alcohol, Smoking, Vaping, Nicotine, Marijuana, CBD Oil.
  • Multi-Vitamins, Garlic Extract, Fish Oils, Vitamin E, Naturopathic or Herbal Medications, Supplements, Accutane for a minimum of 4 months.
  • Aspirin, Advil or Ibuprofen and all Blood Thinners.
  • Air Travel – Please wait 48 hours prior to flying.


  • If you take medications for Diabetes or Hypertension: Please discuss with our nurse prior to your surgery. All other medication can be taken once you return home.
  • Remove all piercings, gel/shellac/nail polish, make-up and jewellery before your surgery.
  • Please arrive clean-shaven for surgery, no makeup.
  • No food or drinks past midnight the night before.
  • Our office will notify you of your arrival time for surgery.
  • Your rhinoplasty surgery may be 1-2 hours in length.
  • You will remain in recovery for up to 2 hours following your surgery if under general anesthesia.
  • Ensure you have a family member or friend to drive you home.
  • Prescriptions will be provided by Hospital Nurse or Dr. Solomon’s staff if your surgery is in the private clinic.


  • Cleaning your nose begins the morning after your surgery.
  • Clean JUST the opening of the nostrils (where sutures are visible), twice a day (Morning/Bedtime) with Hydrogen Peroxide, gently dabbing to remove dried blood using a Q-Tip. DO NOT insert Q-Tip deep inside nostrils.
  • Let Hydrogen peroxide dry for 2 minutes.
  • Use Hydrasense daily even if you have internal plastic splints. Administer 2 sprays to each nostril 3-4 times a day, or as needed throughout the day. This helps to reduce swelling, improves breathing and helps keep nasal passage clean for splint removal.
  • Apply Polysporin ointment (use amount, size of a dime and apply thoroughly around inner nostril) after cleaning with Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Continue for up to 2 weeks.
  • If you have allergies to these products, you may use Vaseline.
  • Dissolvable sutures will remain inside your nose for up to 3 months. Tissue inflammation may develop and can be resolved with polysporin ointment. Sutures are used to maintain position of structure during healing.
  • If you had Open Rhinoplasty, be sure to apply polysporin on the external incision twice daily.
  • If you have internal splints, the following instructions still apply.


  • AVOID getting your SPLINT wet as it may fall off prematurely.
  • Change Surgical Dressing (gauze taped beneath nose) as needed for the first 24 – 48 hours.
  • Sleep with your head elevated on 2-3 pillows for 3 days.
  • Sleep on your back, preferred for 2 weeks.
  • If you experience nausea, Gravol can be taken as directed on the packaging.
  • Standard post-operative swelling may last for up to 4-6 weeks.
  • Take prescribed Anti-Biotic as directed and Tylenol #3 as required.
  • Should you develop a rash, DISCONTINUE medication and contact our office.
  • Avoid direct stream of water for one week.
  • Your eyes may become quite swollen and bruised. You may get red spots on the white areas of your eyes. These side effects generally last 2-3 weeks.
  • Your nose will feel congested and you may find it difficult to breathe for at least 2-3 weeks.
  • You may have mild bleeding from the front of your nose or down the back of your throat for a few days.
  • Your nose will be painful and tender for 2-3 weeks.
  • Your throat may be sore for several days.
  • Once you arrive home, please take your anti-biotic and pain medication as prescribed with food.
  • Best to separate anti-biotic and pain medication, 2 hours apart to avoid nausea/vomiting.
  • We recommend first taking Extra Strength Tylenol every 4 hours. If pain persists, take Tylenol #3 as needed and prescribed.
  • Tylenol #3 can cause nausea that can lead to vomiting as well as constipation.
  • Take your anti-biotic 2 hours apart from Tylenol to avoid an upset stomach.
  • Rest. Get comfortable, lay with your head elevated and sleep if needed.
  • Use a travel/airplane pillow to support your neck.
  • You may eat what you wish following your surgery depending on how you feel.
  • Replace moustache gauze beneath the nose if gets soiled with blood. It can then be removed completely once bleeding stops.
  • Anti-biotics can cause yeast infections in women. It’s recommended to take a pro-biotic or eat yogurt to help replace good bacteria.


  • The appearance of the nose following surgery may be concerning.
  • The tip of the nose often appears turned-up or “pig-like” at first. This is partially because of swelling in the upper lip and from taping. The tip will fall especially in the first 2 weeks and then more slowly after that. It’s important that the tip be slightly over rotated at first so that it is not too droopy when it finally heals.
  • Asymmetrical swelling is normal and related to the amount of bleeding that occurred at the time of surgery. This will improve over time.
  • When the splint is removed there is often swelling where the bump used to be. Swelling does go down with time depending on the body’s healing process.
  • The upper lip is very stiff after surgery. It moves very little and can make your smile seem strange. Usually related to swelling at the base of the nose. This always returns to normal with time especially after the first 2 weeks.
  • Your smile may be asymmetrical for the first 2 weeks.
  • Your sinuses may uncomfortable and experience pressure for the first 2 weeks.
  • Your nose may be oily or become cakey following surgery. *Recommend to purchase post-rhinoplasty ZO cleansing kit, sold at our clinic.


  • Avoid Sneezing through your nose. Try to sneeze through your mouth.
  • TIP: Tickle roof of mouth with your tongue or open your mouth.
  • Avoid Blowing your nose for up to 4 weeks. Recommended to blow gently.
  • Avoid Picking at scabs. This can cause scarring.
  • Avoid Bending over or lifting heavy things for one week. Besides aggravating swelling, this may raise your blood pressure and start haemorrhage.
  • Avoid Smoking/Vaping (Nicotine, Marijuana and CBD oil), especially throughout the recovery period as smoking may prolong healing.
  • Avoid Moderate physical exercise for up to 4 weeks following your rhinoplasty surgery and strenuous exercise for up to 6 weeks.
  • Sex (very active) for 4 weeks, less active sex as early as one week.
  • Avoid Direct sun exposure to incisions for up to 12 months. Use SPF 45 daily.
  • Avoid Wearing Glasses for 6 weeks. Glasses MUST be taped to forehead.
  • Avoid Hot saunas.
  • RECOMMENDED: Cool mist humidifiers at your bedside for 2-4 weeks.
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