Introducing Belkyra (Kybella in USA) to Dr. Philip Solomon Nasal and Facial Surgery Centre!

According to a 2015 survey – from the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery – nearly as many consumers are bothered by their fullness under the chin (67%) as by lines and wrinkles around the eyes (69%)?
In fact, the condition, which can make you look older and heavier than you really are, even has a name. It’s called submental fullness, or fullness under the chin or ‘double chin’. However, it can be difficult to get rid of on your own. Even more, fullness under the chin is the effect of multiple causes: genetics, weight gain and aging. As a matter of fact, sometimes, no matter how much you diet or exercise, the fullness in this area may not go away.
Fortunately, new non-surgical treatment options are now available, to target and eliminate fullness under the chin.
Health Canada recently gave approval to Belkyra, a quick and easy injectable treatment. A specialist can apply it in office in 15 to 20 minutes!  Furthermore, this procedure is customizable to help you achieve your submental fullness treatment goals. Even better, once the surgeon finishes the Belkyra procedure, re-treatment is normally not necessary.
If you want to learn which treatment option is the best for you, please call the main office 866-293-0616. We can arrange a suitable time for a consultation with Dr. Philip Solomon and his nurse.

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