The recovery period following Rhinoplasty surgery can be a minimally painful, however it can be uncomfortable for a few reasons, so it’s a good idea to be prepared to have some downtime at home to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible.

Tip #1: Take pre-operative planning notes

There will be a lot of information shared with you prior to your rhinoplasty and all of that information can be overwhelming and easily forgotten. Your surgeon will tell you what to expect and what signs or symptoms are concerning. If you are ever unsure, don’t hesitate to contact them.. Make sure you let your surgeon know about any bleeding disorders in the family, your medical history and any allergies to medications. The most common concern to watch out for after surgery is bleeding, so if you notice unexpected bleeding, let the clinical staff know immediately so they can assess you in person.

Tip # 2: Pain during the recovery period

You will not feel any pain during your Rhinoplasty surgery,,as anesthesia, (pain blocking medication) will be administered. Even after the surgery is completed, you will not likely feel much pain in the nose unless you exert pressure on the surgical site. If undergoing rhinoplasty with general anaesthesia, you will wake up in the recovery room and be assessed by the clinical staff. Most often, patients are discharged on the same day of surgery. You will need another adult to take you home as driving is not safe for 24 hours after general anaesthetic. Pain medication will be prescribed and can be taken as needed once the local facial freezing wears off.

Tip # 3: The senses will be temporarily affected

Even though the recovery phase is relatively painless, you will feel uncomfortable due to the nasal congestion that develops from all the surgical inflammation. You will be wearing a splint, you may experience post-surgical bleeding, and you will be advised to sleep with your head elevated for the first 48 hours. Your senses may be affected due to the congestion which will reduce your ability to smell or taste food properly and can possibly affect hearing as well due to temporary blockage of eustachian tubes. Lastly, if you require glasses to see, you will be asked to avoid putting them on your nose for a number of weeks. Talk to your Plastic Surgeon about alternatives.

Tip #4: Breathing through the mouth

Nasal congestion means that you will be dependent on your mouth for breathing. This can make your throat extremely dry so be prepared to consume plenty of liquids.

Tip #5: Removing the splint after 7-10 days

Once the splint has been removed, you will be able to sleep more comfortably as well shower and gently wash your face without concern.

Tip #6: Expect swelling

Even though the pain is minimal, patients report a sensation of pressure due to swelling on the face. Swelling will be roughly 50% reduced within the first month, however residual swelling of the nose, especially the tip, may last for several months. You will be advised to rest and sleep with the head and shoulders slightly elevated for the first couple of weeks post procedure in order to minimize swelling. As well, it is not advised that you bend over and allow pressure in the face to increase during this time.

Tip #7: Bruising subsides

Most bruising that develops after a rhinoplasty will have resolved by the two-week mark. It is not uncommon to see “black eyes” and swelling around the eyes as well. Luckily the worst will pass within a few weeks and most people feel that they look presentable after that time. At the end of one year, you will be able to see the final results.

Sep 13th 2017
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