What is Neck Liposuction?


Regardless of your health and exercise regimen, there are certain areas of the body that can accumulate stubborn, hard to lose, fat. Specifically, the neck is one of those places. Neck liposuction allows you to lose excess fat from your neck. Furthermore, the procedure will give you a more attractive and youthful appearance. As a result, this will help to boost your self esteem.

Such a procedure is most popular with people between the ages of 30-50 years old. However, some older adults are also looking into it. It might not be common knowledge, but neck liposuction is one of the most common types of facial plastic surgery available. Usually, it only takes about 30 minutes to perform, and the results will be evident within 6 weeks to 6 months after the procedure. You can view some before and after photos of Dr. Solomon’s clients here.

How Can Neck Liposuction Improve my Look?

Neck liposuction can improve the look of your “double chin” and refine your jawline. Even more, alongside rhinoplasty and chin augmentation, you may be able to further enhance your facial contours. If you are able to maintain a stable weight, your results will have more of a lifetime lasting effect. Besides, if you have a good skin tone, you will see better results.

Is Neck Liposuction Safe?

Neck liposuction is indeed a safe procedure. As with any surgery, there are always risks associated with it. For that reason, is important to ask your surgeon to explain this for you. In addition, he or she will show the complete procedure to you. Therefore, you will be able to make an informed decision.

Book a Consultation With Dr. Solomon

It is best to speak with your certified plastic surgeon. He will find out which options are available to you. However, not all people who want neck liposuction are eligible candidates. Therefore, Dr. Solomon will determine your eligibility and come up with a plan to get you feeling and looking good. Book a consultation or appointment with Dr. Solomon during business hours Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.