Looking for natural options for facial volume and rejuvenation? Facial Fat Grafting, PRP and Plasma Fillers are becoming the go-to treatments for anyone looking for safe, effective and natural cosmetic facial enhancements. Dr. Philip Solomon, MD, FRCSC, Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgeon, practicing Facial Plastic Surgery in Toronto, told us about the many benefits of these treatments.
Living Luxe: What causes people to lose volume in their face?
Dr. Philip Solomon: There are few contributors to volume loss. Aging is the most common reason as we lose collagen, elastin and fat as we age starting in our thirties. This is part of the natural aging process. People who do high-intensity workouts like a lot of cardio are susceptible to premature aging and looking gaunt over time. Dermal filler has been an excellent option for facial restoration, however, it can cause water retention, creating a puffy look, especially under the eyes. For this reason, we like to offer other options such as Facial Fat Grafting, PRP and Plasma Sculpting, which can provide natural, long-lasting results.
Living Luxe: What is Facial Fat Grafting and who is a good candidate?
Dr. Philip Solomon: Fat Grafting is essentially good for anyone with volume loss who wants to enhance their appearance. Fat Grafting is a natural alternative to dermal filler, as we use the fat harvested from the patient. It can also be combined with facelift surgery to further enhance and augment the results. Facelift surgery addresses skin laxity and tightens fascia and underlying tissue, while Facial Fat Grafting adds volume to the cheeks, temples, tear troughs, naso-labial folds and lips.
LL: How are these procedures performed and what do patients need to know before undergoing them?
Dr. Philip Solomon: Facial Fat Grafting is performed under local anesthesia at my Toronto surgical Centre. We pre-select a donor site, below the waist, either the umbilicus area or the thighs. Harvested fat is cleaned and processed to ensure the highest quality fat is used for injection. The fat is then injected into the desired areas of the face, giving a natural and healthy appearance.
PRP has been around for years. Also known as platelet-rich plasma treatment, PRP stimulates the production of collagen, improves skin quality and brightens the skin, giving a healthy, more youthful glow. PRP is a great rejuvenation treatment for all skin types and can also help with undereye dark circles and thinning hair in both men and women.
A third option is Plasma Filler, also known as Plasma Sculpting, which is getting lots of media attention and gaining in popularity. This treatment provides the benefits of PRP while also adding facial volume. The product we use combines your plasma with a bio-stimulating matrix gel. This combination creates a thick injectable product that is used similarly to dermal filler. This treatment requires the same preparation as PRP in that we draw the patient’s blood, spin it through a centrifuge to separate the plasma, and then combine with the gel. Plasma Filler not only adds volume but can visibly improve skin health.
LL: Why would a patient opt for Facial Fat Grafting instead of your typical filler? What are the benefits?
Dr. Philip Solomon: We have patients who are looking for the most natural and long-lasting options for enhancement. Filler is temporary, lasting anywhere from six to 18 months, while Fat Grafting is typically long lasting. Some of the fat can reabsorb within the first few months following treatment and then what remains provides a long-term result. What’s nice about Fat Grafting is that it not only adds volume, but it also has regenerative qualities that improve the overall complexion of the skin.
LL: Tell us about Plasma Filler Injections— a natural filler versus synthetic filler. Why is it a good option for patients?
Dr. Philip Solomon: People appreciate options that are natural and longer lasting. Some people experience what’s called “filler fatigue,” where they get tired of coming in yearly for touch ups. Plasma Filer is a safe option, as it cannot cause a vascular occlusion, which can happen with a hyaluronic-acid filler. Our patients love the fact that their own plasma can be used as a volumizer like filler.
LL: How are these options different than a liquid facelift or other injections?
Dr. Philip Solomon: The term “liquid facelift” used in the industry is not accurate. Fillers are volumizers, not an alternative to a surgical facelift. That being said, they are an essential tool in facial rejuvenation.