Patient question:

Does it help reduce scaring after surgery? I had a chin implant and external rhinoplasty, can I use the gel after surgery?

Dr Solomon Answers:

Dr Solomon is a board certified Facial Plastic Surgeon and Otolaryngolgist Head and Neck Surgeon. He practices cosmetic surgery in Toronto Canada.
Dermatix Silicone gel is a substance which is applied over a scar to reduce hypertrophic scars. It is a clear gel that is transparent and can be used on the face or body and worn under clothing. It require no adhesives. It can be washed off and reapplied. Silicone gel is used by Facial Plastic Surgeons, Head and Neck surgeons, dermatologists and plastic surgeons in Toronto and worldwide. It is believed to have three advantages to scar healing.

  1. it provides partial occlusion to the upper layer of the skin.
  2. it protects the skin from the environment and provides an environment that promotes healing without scars.
  3. dermatix gel can be used after chin implant and cosmetic or reconstructive external rhinoplasty surgery.

You can apply it to any facial scar to improve its healing.

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