Rhinoplasty is the medical term for cosmetic nose surgery, also known as a “nose job”. The nose is literally the centerpiece of your face, so its appearance can play a very large role in how we look overall. How to maintain the surgery results is vital.

Rhinoplastly alters the structure of the cartilage inside the nose to decrease or increase the size and to adjust the overall shape. Once you’ve attained that perfect look, you’ll want to maintain it! There are some important things to remember after your rhinoplasty in order minimize complications and to maximize good results.

    • Abstain from smoking

Smoking has numerous detrimental effects on the body’s health and its ability to heal. This means it is especially important to not smoke in the week’s right before and after your rhinoplasty. The better the tissues in your nose can heal, the better your nose will look.

    • Use contact lenses for the weeks immediately following your surgery

Even minimal pressure on your nose, especially sustained pressure, can interfere with the way your nose heals. As a result, it may heal into a misshapen form instead of the desired one. To avoid this, wear contact lenses instead of eyeglasses that press on your nose during the healing process.

    • Take it easy

Vigorous activity can increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure, which puts strain on the incisions in your nose that are trying to heal. Avoid strenuous exercise in the first few weeks after your surgery. Contact sports are even more risky, since an impact could permanently alter the shape of your nose.

    • Do not blow your nose

Blowing your nose puts intense pressure on your nose as well, so you should try not to do this until it has fully healed. If needed, simply dab your nostrils with a soft tissue.

    • Stay out of the pool

Going underwater is another activity that can put a dangerous amount of pressure on your nose and can interfere with the healing process. You shouldn’t swim right after your rhinoplasty if you want it to have the best possible results.
After a few weeks, your nose will be mostly recovered, and some of these restrictions can be lessened. After approximately six months, your nose should be completely healed. At this point you will be able to resume your normal level of activity.
Your cosmetic surgeon will always be the best source for guidance after your rhinoplasty. They will know the specific details of your case, which means they will know how your nose is healing and what steps you will need to take to maintain the results.

May 04th 2017