Toronto’s plastic surgery field is vibrant and ever-changing, and nothing shows this better than the wide variety of tools and techniques from which patients can choose. Every face is different, and no two people experience aging the same way, so it makes sense that the cosmetic and plastic procedures available will be just as varied. Take a look at some of the city’s top trends and see for yourself.

Facial Fillers

Fillers have come a long way and offer an excellent means of restoring volume and smoothing out the skin to eliminate wrinkles and folds. Beyond treating wrinkles and lines, the greatest strength of dermal fillers is the way they can shape the contour and structural aesthetic of the face through non-surgical methods.

This is why products such as dermal fillers or Bellafill are often used as part of a “liquid facelift” procedure. Patients are then able to enjoy some of the benefits of a cosmetic procedure without requiring the full commitment that comes with plastic surgery in Toronto. Fillers can also be used to adjust the nose’s shape and form, adding the “5-minute nose job” to the list of options patients can enjoy.

Older Patients

People are living longer than ever, and growing older gracefully is now a reality for more people. This often involves using cosmetic or surgical treatments like Botox, Dermal Filler or even a facelift to help eliminate sagging skin and minimize the appearance of wrinkles in order to retain a more youthful facial appearance. Treatments that focus on the eyelids or the area around the eyes (blepharoplasty) are also popular among older patients.

Targeted Treatments

Many people would like to enhance or augment their appearance but not everyone feels they need something as invasive as a facelift. Recent trends have led the development of mini versions of the most popular plastic surgeries in Toronto, such as a mini-tuck or mini-lift or even FaceTite. These allow patients to tailor the level of work they want done based on both need and comfort. Specialized, niche procedures have also been created to target even more specific portions of the body. Lip lifts, brow lifts, or otoplasty (ear shaping) are just some of the ways Toronto’s practitioners can tailor their practice to the precise needs of a patient.

Combined Treatments

Toronto Plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Broadly speaking, the former is better at shaping the contour and structure of the face and the latter excels at affecting the texture and surface of the skin. Patients and surgeons alike are increasingly finding that results are greatly improved when these approaches are combined.

A plastic surgeon who combines fillers with a facelift for instance, can give patients optimal results that improve the texture and tone of the skin, tightens the facial muscles while repositioning the fat pads to produce a more youthful appearance. Certain types of laser surfacing or dermabrasion techniques can be combined with plastic surgery to remove blemishes, lines, and discolouration at the same time. As an added benefit, performing multiple procedures at once means patients only need to go through a single recovery period—dramatically reducing their downtime.