Preparing for a mini facelift in Toronto can be daunting for some, and many people are flooded with conflicting emotions. Preparing for the surgery in advance removes pressure, enabling you to experience a smoother recovery and the best results possible.
While all clients should follow their surgeon’s instructions to ensure they haven’t missed essential information, this list will provide a solid starting point.
Countdown to Surgery
One Month Before Surgery
After you book your surgery, the final three to four weeks before the procedure is the best time to start preparing. During this time, your cosmetic surgeon will provide detailed instructions, and some of these suggestions will be included on the list:
- Pre-surgical EKGs and lab tests may be necessary. Not all clients will need these tests. However, if required, do not wait until the last minute. Obtaining clearance before surgery will make the process seamless.
- Avoid smoking, alcohol and all blood thinning medication and supplements. Review with your surgeon if you are on blood thinners prescribed by another doctor to ensure proper protocol is taken.
- Ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a good diet. Remaining healthy and fit decreases recovery time and increases safety.
- Refrain from getting pregnant. Women must exercise greater caution during the weeks leading up to surgery as a pregnancy can delay your procedure until you give birth.
Two Weeks Before Surgery
As your surgery becomes closer, begin planning your recovery. This involves taking steps to minimize risks and to ensure you are in optimum health. Measures may involve the following:
- Refrain from taking ibuprofen, Aspirin, and vitamin E, which may increase complication risks.
- Apply sunscreen daily to prevent sun damage, especially on the face.
- Do not smoke, chew, vape, or use smoking cessation patches. Nicotine interferes with proper circulation throughout the body, impacting surgery and increasing complications. Smoking should be avoided two weeks after surgery.
- Take 1000 mg of vitamin C daily. It is essential to promote healing and to prepare the body for your surgery.
- Create accommodation plans if you will travel 30 minutes between your house and the surgical office. You can book a hotel the first night after receiving surgery. Travelling for this extended time is too far after your mini facelift, even if someone offers to drive you.
- Create a recovery area in an accessible and comfortable place within your home. Ensure it is well-stocked with blankets, pillows, loose clothing, healthy snacks, entertainment, medical supplies, and water.
One Week to Your Mini Facelift
To be fully prepared for your upcoming surgery and recovery, ensure you follow these tips:
- One week before surgery, book an appointment to have your hair coloured or permed. Otherwise, you must wait four weeks until the incisions have healed to have it done.
- Do any last-minute errands, such as big grocery store runs, grooming pets, etc. Running errands may not be possible while recovering.
- Ensure you have two-pound bags of frozen peas to use as ice bags.
Surgery Day
Once your surgery day arrives, make certain that you have everything you need covered.
- Have someone bring you to your appointment. This person should also drive you home since you must be discharged to a friend or family member.
- Avoid eating and drinking anything (even water) after midnight on the night before surgery.
- Avoid wearing makeup, and have a relaxing shower before surgery. Also, do not use nail polish, sprays, or styling products.
- Leave valuables (such as jewellery) at home.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing that you do not have to pull over your head, which may be challenging after a facelift.
- Bring your glasses, and do not wear contact lenses.
Following these instructions makes the procedure run smoother. Discuss any concerns with your cosmetic surgeon to guarantee you receive the best results and to avoid confusion.
Additional Tips
Ensure You Have a Caregiver
A caregiver is more than someone who drops you off and picks you up. They should stay with you the entire night and day after your surgery.
While most clients have an easy recovery that does not require much involvement from a caregiver, it is reassuring to know that someone is there if you need them.
Arrange for Help With Small Children
Taking care of children can involve physical work and exertion. Therefore, you may require help during the first week. If you have any small children, you will be unable to lift them for a few weeks post-surgery.
Book One Week Off From Work
After surgery, you must relax as you heal. Clients should avoid stress, intensive cooking, and cleaning.
Suspend Gym Memberships
Clients can resume heavy lifting and high-intensity workouts after one month post-operative. However, clients can resume light biking and walking within one to two weeks after surgery.
Place Prescriptions in a Convenient Location
Ensure all prescriptions have been filled and ready for you at home following your surgery. Create a schedule for managing medication post-surgery.
Arrange the Bedroom
Once they arrive home, most people feel tired from the anesthetic and want to rest. Clients will receive instructions regarding sleeping, making getting the bed ready before surgery more convenient when they get home and just want to relax.
Prepare Meals in Advance
Preparing healthy meals beforehand will ensure you maintain proper nourishment with less fuss.
Review the Surgeon’s Instructions
Review your surgeon’s documents before surgery to know what to expect.
Book Your Facelift in Toronto With Solomon Facial Plastic
If you want to book a mini facelift or a deep plane facelift in Toronto, contact Solomon Facial Plastic. Our experienced, dedicated team will provide the best results and determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
You can select one of our two convenient locations: 416-864-6100 (Toronto) or 855-519-2799 (Vaughan). Clients can also complete our online form to request more information about our facelift surgeons in Toronto.