Its skin deep; in the eye of the beholder;and a multi-billion-dollor industry. We are talking about Beauty in all her splendor. So when FOCAL POINT e-NEWS wanted to learn about the latest in cosmetic surgery and dermotology, we went straight to the experts.

Facelift incisions run infront and behind the ear to camoflage scars as much as possible. Dotted lines indicate the incisions. Green indicates the area that is dissected and lifted.



What you need to know when considering a Facelift Wrinkles, sagging skin, laxity in the jowls and neck – all begin to appear after years of exposure to the elements and the natural aging process. The facelift is a surgical procedure that attempts to reverse some of these signs of the aging face.

Although this procedure has been around for years, it was not long ago that a facelift was considered by many to be reserved for movie stars and celebrities. Today, a facelift – or rhytidectomy – is not just for the rich and famous. It is one of the most well-accepted and frequently performed cosmetic procedures. Baby boomers from every walk of life are electing to have a facelift for cosmetic, social and economic reasons.

The objective of the procedure is to remove jowls and wattles for a more refined jaw, smoother neck and contoured cheek. Incisions begin at the temple, progress around the ear and then behind the ear and into the hairline. The skin is then lifted and the underlying muscles and connective tissues are tightened and secured.

Before and after face and neck lift. Notice improved jaw line and neck contour.

Surgeon : Dr. Philip Solomon.

Even though the facelift can result in a more youthful appearance, the procedure does have inherent limitations. For example, a facelift will not stop the aging process, will not improve fine wrinkles or pigmentation problems, nor completely remove deep wrinkles and skin folds.

For best results the facelift is often performed with other procedures such as laser resurfacing, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), collagen- hyaluronic acid- or Artecoll-injections. Cheek or chin implants may also be used to maximize the results of a facelift by altering the bony structure of the face.

The healing process from surgery is gradual. Direct sun should be avoided. After about two weeks you should feel comfortable going out in public wearing make-up. After three weeks you will look and feel confident enough to go out with friends again. Your face will feel completely normal in about ten to twelve weeks and you can enjoy your new, more youthful and relaxed appearance.

The longevity of the procedure varies. Some relaxation of facial tissues will occur during the first few weeks. After that, the aging process continues. Your lifestyle choices, bone structure, skin type, sun exposure and heredity all play a role in determining how many years can be removed and for how long. In general, younger patients enjoy longer-lasting results. If you are in your forties the effects may last up to 10 years. If you are in your sixties your results may last five to seven years.

Dr. Philip Solomon, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C) completeddermotology his medical school training at the University of Toronto and is Board Certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Dr. Solomon runs his own Toronto practice and is on surgical staff at York Central, St Michael’s and Etobicoke General Hospitals. He is also on the teaching faculty of the University of Toronto.


ENT. Head & Neck Surgeon, Facial Plastic Surgeon

7117 Bathurst St., Suite 201

Thornhill, Ontario

L4J 2J6 905.764.7799

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