Rhinoplasty is a popular procedure in Persian culture, both in Canada and abroad. The goal of a Toronto Persian rhinoplasty is usually to reduce the nose in order to achieve a stronger harmony with the rest of their facial features. Toronto surgeons are well acquainted with the Persian community and have developed a variety of approaches to achieve the desired rhinoplasty results in a manner that looks natural and complementary to their unique nasal-facial makeup.

Persian Nasal-Facial Features

Persian heritage brings with it several facial features that are considered attractive, such as large eyes and high cheekbones. It also makes a person more likely to possess certain nasal characteristics like a wide bridge, possibly with a hump, an elongated tip, and thick skin that reduces definition and leads to a drooping or hooked appearance.

These features are common targets for change in Toronto Persian rhinoplasty surgeries, though the extent of change that patients prefer has varied over the years. It’s not uncommon for today’s Persian youths to wish to preserve signs of their heritage and to use a nose surgery to bring such traits into a complementary rather than antagonistic relationship with the rest of their face.

The Secrets to Natural Results

When people speak about natural-looking rhinoplasty outcomes, they are usually referring to results where a person’s nose looks more balanced on their face. If a nose is reduced too much, pinching effects can be seen that betray the desired effect. Alternatively, it’s possible to under-reduce the cartilage layer and cause a “polybeak” effect. These sorts of outcomes are often targets for revision rhinoplasty after procedures received abroad.

For anyone undergoing a Toronto rhinoplasty, Persian or otherwise, subtle and moderate changes are more likely to appear natural if performed by an experienced and skilled rhinoplasty specialist. The amount of adjustments that fall into this category will vary based on individual nasal-facial characteristics, and on the client’s stated goals.

Computer Imaging software is helpful and renowned rhinoplasty surgeons like Dr. Phillip Solomon, take time to listen and discuss a patient’s goals in great detail. During the consultation period, computer imaging can be extremely helpful in assessing possible outcome as well as reviewing before-and-after photos of previous patients. When a person’s facial features appear to be in balance and they still look like themselves, the nose job can be considered a natural-looking one.

When looking for natural results from a Persian rhinoplasty, it’s important to look for surgeons skilled in ethnic rhinoplasty practices. There are two reasons for this. The first is that such surgeons will be familiar with the unique nasal-facial traits each client possesses and they are aware of the importance of preserving them. The second is that surgeons familiar with ethnic rhinoplasty will know how to adapt their techniques for different people.

For example, Persians tend to have thicker skin around the nose, and thicker skin does not shrink as much when the underlying structure is reduced; which can make the nose appear less defined than it was originally. Surgeons skilled in ethnic rhinoplasty know how to adjust procedures to respond to these characteristics and offer beautiful results.

Oct 07th 2019